Glaucoma “the silent thief of sight”

By February 18, 2020uncategorized



Glaucoma is a common eye condition/disease which results in the painless damage of the Optic nerve which connects the eyes to the brain. This optic nerve damage is caused due to build up of fluid in the front part of the eyes which increases pressure behind the eyes and this pressure damages the optic nerve.

Do you know?

 The most common type of Glaucoma is the open angle glaucoma.
 Do you know that glaucoma is known as the ‘SILENT THIEF OF SIGHT’, glaucoma is the silent thief of sight because it steals your vision without signs or symptoms, this means you can have glaucoma and not know you have it.
 Do you know that sight loss/blindness due to glaucoma can be prevented but sight lost to Glaucoma cannot be recovered, hence blindness due to Glaucoma cannot be reversed.
 Do you know with Glaucoma both eyes are mostly affected but one eye is usually worse than other.


How can I know if I have Glaucoma?

Glaucoma can only be diagnosed during an eye examination; Hence Adults are encouraged to get their eyes tested every two years and older adults of about 70 years of age yearly eye test.


What are the things your Eye Doctor looks at during your eye test to check for Glaucoma?

 The pressure behind your eyes will be measured using a Tonometer, we want your pressure to be below 24mmHg in the UK and 21mmHg in some other countries of the world.
 We check your peripheral vision, using a visual field analyser.
 We check the health of the back of your eyes paying attention to your optic nerve head.



With Glaucoma onset is usually gradual, peripheral or your side vision is lost first hence you may not notice it until its too late.

If you ever get a sign it may blurred vision or rainbow coloured circle around light(halos).


Risk Factor


 Age: more common in older adults.


 Family History-if anyone is blind due to an unknown cause in your family, you will need yearly eye checks from the age of 40, does anyone use eye drops every day in your family and your not sure what the drops were for? Glaucoma is genetically acquired, hence if anyone in your family has glaucoma you are at higher risk of having glaucoma hence you need more frequent eye tests at least yearly from the age of 40.
 Race: People from the African and Caribbean descent are at higher risk of glaucoma, that does not mean that the Caucasians and other races don’t have it.




 Eye drops are the first line of treatment for glaucoma, the eyedrops are used to keep the intraocular pressure within normal limits and using these drops regularly as prescribed puts the glaucoma under control. if you don’t use the drops as directed you may still loose your sight to Glaucoma.
 Surgery is an option when the drops are not working.
 Patients are monitored regularly between three to six months interval on initial diagnosis and once things are stable yearly checks commence.



Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide after cataracts, 6 to 67 million people have glaucoma globally according to Wikipedia.

Vision Arcade eye care foundation works with other eyecare charities and NGO’S in the world to fight all preventable sight loss including sight loss due to Glaucoma ,75% of sight loss can be prevented/avoided.

This April 3rd & 4th 2020 @Orile Iganmu in Lagos state Nigeria, we will be screening patients for glaucoma and be giving out free eye drops to those living with Glaucoma.

We need your help to do this as we cannot do this alone.

Can you make a one off donation via our website( or through our PayPalaccount link in bio, or can you help us raise fund for this project? drop us an email